
Gopala-tapani Release

Gopala-tapani Release

( – Gopala-tapani Release

By Dr. Baladeva Dasa

I am glad to announce the release of Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana’s commentary on the Gopala-tapani Upanisad. Having been published only once, in 1943, this important commentary has been out of print for many decades ever since. The “Tapani” is a sub-category of mystical Upanisads that shed light on their respective deities, in this case, Gopala. Among the Tapani texts, the Gopala-tapani is the most commented and the most published one, having been revered by Gaudiyas, Nimbarkis, Pushtimargiyas and others for many centuries. Among the Gaudiyas, the Gopala-tapani is the only sruti commented upon and extensively quoted in the works of the earlier followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In his commentary, Vidyabhushana elucidates some of the most esoteric meanings of this text and guides the readers through the practical application of the Gopala-mantra japa and the drawing of the Gopala-yantra.

This edition includes the original Sanskrit text and commentary critically edited based on multiple manuscripts, a Roman transliteration of the main text, a complete English translation, ample footnotes clarifying technical terminology, an extensive introduction highlighting the history and importance of the text, and a sample of the Gopala-yantra graphically designed.

To order a copy, please contact the Golden Age Media:

This publication is part of the Baladeva Vidyabhusana Project:

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