
Dheera Samire by Pandit Raghunath Panigrahi

Gita Govinda
Ashtapadi #11
Dheera Sameere


rati-sukha-sāre gatam abhisāre madana-manohara-veśam |
na kuru nitambini gamana-vilambanam anusara taṃ hṛdayeśam ||1||

dhīra-samīre yamunā-tīre vasati vane vanamālī |
gopī-pīna-payodhara-mardana-caṃcala-karayuga-śālī ||dhruvapadam||

nāma sametaṃ kṛta-saṅketaṃ vādayate mṛduveṇum |
bahu manute nanu te tanu-saṅgata-pavana-calitam api reṇum ||2||

patati patatre vicalati patre śaṅkita-bhavad upayānam |
racayati śayanaṃ sacakita-nayanaṃ paśyati tava panthānam ||3||

mukharam adhīraṃ tyaja mañjīraṃ ripum iva kelisu lolam |
cala sakhi kuñjaṃ satimira-puñjaṃ śīlaya nīla-nicolam ||4||

urasi murārerupahita-hāre ghana iva tarala-balāke .
taḍid iva pīte rati-viparīte rājasi sukṛta-vipāke ||5||

vigalita-vasanaṃ parihṛta-rasanaṃ ghaṭaya jaghanam api dhānam .
kisalaya-śayane paṅkaja-nayane nidhim iva harṣa-nidānam ||6||

harirabhimānī rajaniridānīm iyam api yāti virāmam .
kuru mama vacanaṃ satvara-racanaṃ pūraya madhuripu-kāmam ||7||

śrījayadeve kṛtahariseve bhaṇati parama-ramaṇīyam .
pramudita-hṛdayaṃ harim atisadayaṃ namata sukṛta-kamanīyam ||8||


C 1 rati sukha sArE gatamabhi sArE madana manOhara vESam
nakuru nitambini gamana vilambana manusaratam hrudayESam
dheera sameerE yamunAteerE vasati vanE vanamAlee
gOpee peena payOdhara mardana chanchala karayuga SAlee || Oh dear Radha, go quickly to meet your beloved Krishna who is beautiful like Manmadha.The breeze is blowing gently. Krishna is waiting in Brundavana on the bank of Yamuna river. His hands play on the breasts of Gopikas.
C 2 nAmasamEtam kruta sankEtam vAdayatE mrudu vENum
bahu manutE nanutE tanu sangata pavana chalitamapi rENum||dheera|| Krishna is playing flute calling your name, indicating where he was waiting for you. He admires even the breeze passing over you and reaching him.
C 3 patati patatrE vichalati patrE Sankita bhava dupayAnam
rachayati Sayanam sachakita nayanam paSyati tava pandhAnam||dheera|| He is alarmed even when a feather or dry leaf drops. He is setting on bed of tender leaves and is excited about your arrival.
C 4 mukhara madheeram tyaja manjeeram ripumiva kELishu lOlam
chala sakhi kunjam sa timira punjam Seelaya neela nichOLam||dheera|| Oh Radha, leave off your anklets lest they make noise when you meet him. Please go to that bower during night in black dress.
C 5 urasi murArE rupahita hArE ghanaiva taraLa balAkE
taTidiva peetE rati vipareetE rAjasi sukruta vipAkE||dheera|| When you meet Krishna your pearl necklaces fall on his chest. You shine like lightening on his chest which resembles dark clouds with white Sarasa birds.
C 6 vigaLita vasanam parihruta rasanam ghaTaya jaghanamapidhAnam
kisalaya SayanE pankaja nayanE nidhimiva harsha nidAnam||dheera|| Your eyes are beautiful like lotus flower. You are treasure of beauty lying on bed of tender leaves. You are bestower of happiness.
C 7 harirabhimAnee rajani ridAnee miyamapiyati virAmam
kuru mama vachanam satvara rachanam pooraya madhuripu kAmam||dheera|| Krishna is a person with self-respect. The night is ending He would be angry if you make delay. Go soon and fulfill his wish.
C 8 Sri jayadEvE kruta harisEvE bhaNati parama ramaNeeyam kamaneeyam
pramudita hrudayam harimati sadayam samata sukruta||dheera|| Poet Jayadeva tells this delightful story of love between Radha and Krishna with utmost devotion. Oh devotees, bow to the most benevolent lord Krishna with pious hearts.


अष्टपदि ११ -साकांक्श पुंडरीकोत्कधा मधुरम्

रतिसुखसारे गतमभिसारे मदनमनोहरवेशम् ।
न कुरु नितम्बिनि गमनविलंबनमनुसर तम् हृदयेशम् ।
गोपी पीनपयोधरमर्दनचंचलकरयुगशाली ।
धीर समीरे यमुना तीरे वसति वने वनमाली – धृवम्॥ अ प ११-१

प-छे :- रति सुख सारे गतम् अभिसारे मदन मनोहर वेशम् न कुरु नितम्बिनि
गमन विलंबनम् अनुसर तम् हृदय ईशम् गोपी पीन पयोधर मर्दन
चंचल कर युग शाली धीर समीरे यमुना तीरे वसति वने वनमाली

a pa 11-1. hè nitambini= oh, high-hipped one, Rādha; rati sukha saare= [a place which has] connubial, blissful, quintessentially; abhisaare gatam= in preset place, he has gone in [available]; madana manohara vesham= in an arousing, lovely, mien [here, veSam is not getup; not like Lovegod’s getup, as he is formless to wear any getup; even if it is so, it is an inferior getup than that of Krishna ]; na kuru= don’t, do; gamana vilambanam = in going, delay; anusara tam hR^idaya iisham= follow, him, [your] heart’s, lord; gopii = milk maids; piina payodhara= bosomy, busts [hence the milkmaids are too cocky, with vanity]; mardana= [lexically] in massaging [or, manipulate, to engineer of, to artifice] ; ca.ncala= moving [active, or, have a sleight of hand]; kara yuga shaalii= hands, a couple of, he who is having;

reprise: dhiira samiire= in gentle, wind [breezy]; yamunaa tiire= on Yamuna, riverbank; vasati vane= located in [lingering in,] garden; vanamaalii = one who wears leafy garland, Krishna.

“Oh, high-hipped Rādha, he is now available in that preset place, a quintessentially blissful place for connubial bliss, with his lovely and heart-stealing mien; hence go nigh of the lord of your heart who alone has a couple of hands that have a sleight of hand to engineer the busty bosoms of milkmaids of their vanity… don’t linger to go… for Krishna is lingering in that breezy garden on that riverbank of Yamuna… [a pa 11-1]

नामसमेतम्कृतसंकेतम्वादयतेमृदुवेणुम् ।

बहुमनुतेननुतेतनुसंगतपवनचलितमपिरेणुम्॥ अ प ११-२

प-छे :- नाम समेतम् कृत संकेतम् वादयते मृदु वेणुम् बहु मनुते
…ननु ते तनु संगत पवन चलितम् अपि रेणुम्

a pa 11-2. hè raadhe; te naama sametam= your, name, coupled with [while fluting he uses your names as lyrics, and that flute sings ‘ha, Rādha, ‘o, beauty, o, goddess of love etc]; kR^ita sa.nketam = made, indication [he made an indication to bring you to that preset bower where he will be fluting; or, kR^ita sa.nketam vaadayate mR^idu veNum= to make, indication, he plays, softly; [he indicates his place of tarrying with his soft fluting]; nanu= definitely; te tanu sa.ngata= to your, body, attached; pavana chalitam api reNum= by air, moved, even, particle [of pollen etc]; bahu manute [aalingane]= highly, dotes on, [to embrace]; reprise: dhiira samiire &c

“O, Rādha, he uses your lyrical names as the lyrics of his fluting; he indicates himself with such a soft fluting; he dotes on to embrace any particle of pollen vagrant from your body, when air wafts them to his near, then why harping about your embrace… so, doesn’t linger to go… [a pa 11-2]

Due to the limitation on the number of characters that can be posted here, the rest of the ashtapadis in this sarg can be found at this URL!/photo.php?fbid=2610282148577&set=a.2605764595641.2099496.1600702242&type=3&theater

Source by SanjayJha


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