
Abortion. No – It’s A Child!

Nowadays there is very little regard for the life of a child within the womb of the mother. Most people are concerned about their own pleasure. Many want the right to have sex with anyone and then kill the child resulting from that sex life. Therefore so many young children are being murdered under the name of abortion.

We come into this world completely dependent on our parents. Without the help of our mother we can’t even get food. This complete dependence of a newborn child puts the mother and father in a very responsible position. The parents provide the first impressions which are important in the development of the child’s character.

The influence of the parents on the child doesn’t start with birth, it starts at the time of conception. In the Vedic times there was a ceremony which was performed before the mother and father united to conceive the child. This was called the garbhadhana-samskara or the “seed giving ceremony”. The purpose of this samskara, samskara means “purifying process”, was to situate the minds of the parents in spiritual consciousness before they engaged in sex life to beget the child. This is because the consciousness of the mother and father at the time of their union determines the consciousness of the child.

It is very important, if we want to have good children, that the mentality of the parents at the time of union is Godly. Otherwise, if they are simply driven by lust and having sex for their enjoyment only, any child born as a result of such lusty sexual intercourse is actually unwanted. The parents are not having sex to beget a child, they are just having sex to satisfy themselves. Children resulting from such lusty activities are called varna-sankara, “unwanted children”.


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