
Coming of Age


If there was a predominant message that Srila Prabhupada left all his followers at the end of his life, it would arguably be, “You will show your love for me by how much you cooperate together.”

Our Founder-Acharya (teacher by example) issued this simple yet profound barometer of our love for him. Clearly, as has been the case with all spiritual institutions, ISKCON struggles with this clear dictum.  

We can all probably agree that ISKCON is arguably the most sectarian appearing non-sectarian spiritual movement in the world.

So, in the middle of Kali Yuga, with a far-reaching international movement full of countless cultural differences affecting the mindset of practitioners, is a high level of cooperation a reasonable expectation? Differences will always be there. That much is obvious. The intent of this column will be to increase respect, understanding, and affection for one another. 

Like and unlike all bonafide spiritual paths, Chaitanya Vaishnavism and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself very concisely puts to rest the many apparent differences between all embodied souls and all soul paths with one guiding phrase … that we are “simultaneously one and different.” The implications of these four words (and the other instructions left by Lord Chaitanya) echo around us at every moment to reconcile our inherent and unending external differences. These “guidepost” instructions can also help quiet the mind from exercising its purpose of judging everything around us, in the form of accepting or rejecting. Yes, trying not to succumb to the mind is a constant battle, like standing strong against a raging wind (referring to Bhagavad Gita 6:34). 

In the New Testament of the Christian Bible (Matthew 7:1-5) there are also many statements about this judgment, including “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

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Radha’s Journey

Authority and Pramana on Gaura-lila