
Final Instructions of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura

Today is the auspicious appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura!

“I advise all to preach the teachings of Rūpa-Raghunātha [disciples of Lord Caitanya] with all energy and resources. Our ultimate goal shall be to become the dust of the lotus feet of Śrī Śrī Rūpa and Raghunātha Gosvāmīs. You should all work conjointly under the guidance of your spiritual master with a view to serve the Absolute Knowledge, the Personality of Godhead. You should live somehow or other without any quarrel in this mortal world only for the service of Godhead. Do not, please, give up the service of Godhead, in spite of all dangers, all criticisms, and all discomforts. Do not be disappointed, for most people in the world do not serve the Personality of Godhead; do not give up your own service, which is your everything and all, neither reject the process of chanting and hearing of the transcendental holy name of Godhead. You should always chant the transcendental name of Godhead with patience and forbearance like a tree and humbleness like a straw… There are many amongst you who are well qualified and able workers. We have no other desire whatsoever.”

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