
GBC Meeting Report – January 18, 2023 – International Society for Krishna Consciousness – Website of the Governing Body Commission

The GBC meeting was opened with prayers led by HH Bhanu Swami Maharaja, Chairman of the GBC Executive Committee. Nrisimha Kavaca dasa, ISKCON Deity Minister, followed with a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The GBC began by updating a few committee assignments that needed clarification from 2022. (Assignments for 2023 will be completed during the Annual General Meeting [AGM] in Mayapur.)

Next, the GBC Body discussed and finalized its selection of representatives to dialogue with the India Bureau regarding Guru Tattva in ISKCON and the status of Vaishnavis initiating in ISKCON. The GBC resolution read in part:

“Whereas, the ISKCON India Bureau (IB) has requested further consultation and dialogue on Vaishnavi Diksha Guru (VDG) and Guru Tattva…

Whereas, the IB has nominated Bhanu Swami, Devakinandan das (Convenor), Rasaraja dasa, Bhaktivinoda Swami and Shreejeeva das as the members of the IB Committee…

Whereas, the GBC Committee will draw on the extensive research done, call upon GBC members, engage with the Vaishnavi Ministry, and with any other party, grouping or person that will advance its efforts to find a speedy resolution…

Therefore, it is resolved that:

(i) Guru Prasad Swami, Dina Sharana Devi dasi, Gauranga dasa, Tapan Misra dasa and Govardhana dasa are appointed as members to the joint ISKCON Bureau (IB)-GBC relationship committee; and

(ii) The Committee will provide quarterly updates to the GBC body.”

The India Bureau had previously resolved that:

“In response to the request of the GBC to have a joint ISKCON Bureau (IB)-GBC relationship committee, the Bureau hereby nominates the following five IB members to be the members of the above said committee from the IB side – Bhanu Swami, Devakinandan das (Convenor), Rasaraja dasa, Bhaktivinoda Swami and Shreejeeva das… The IB is enthusiastic to engage in this dialogue to resolve issues, please Srila Prabhupada and take forward the mission of His Divine Grace. We wish this joint committee the best”.

The GBC meeting ended with a report regarding the upcoming AGM, and the International Leadership Sanga (ILS), both to be held in Mayapur in February.

Hare Krishna .

(Distributed by GBC Communications)

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