
Hindi version of the book ‘Krishna’s Playground in 21st Century’ released

Vrindavan Today

In many ways the book evokes questions about the town’s status as a heritage landmark. Especially when the temples here now style themselves as theme parks, and the world’s tallest religious building is under construction in Krishna’s pastoral paradise. Mr. Holley, the author of the book spoke about his efforts to establish a dialogue between the antiquity and novelty of Vrindavan through his work.

2023.02.23 (Vrindavan Today News): The Hindi version of the book ‘Krishna’s playground: Vrindavan in the 21st Century’ released at Vrindavan Research Institute on Thursday. Renowned writers and academicians launched the book named ‘कृष्णा की लीला भूमि’ २१ वीं सदी में वृन्दावन. Originally, the book written in English by Prof. John Stratton Hawley was released by Oxford University Press in 2020. The Hindi edition is published by Rajkamal Prakashan, New Delhi under their “Bhakti Mimamsa” series. The book is edited by Purushottam Agarwal Ji and translated by Ashok Kumar Ji.

The event began with the musical rendition of the traditional padas based on Holi and Basant by Smt. Aastha Goswami. After this the author gave a power point presentation about the book. He gave comparative presentation Vrindavan now and then, when he came first time in Vrindavan 40 years back. This book gives an account on the journey of Vrindavan from a small temple town, to the hotspot for the real estate developers.

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