
On the Occasion of Sadaputa Prabhu’s 76th Birthday

Notes on Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies Program

Brahmatirtha Prabhu:

Sadaputa Prabhu was a genius. He had a photographic memory. He had idiosyncrasies like any genius. He understood things in a deeper way, and he wanted to share. He never stopped learning.

Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science was my favorite book. God & Science has brilliant essays.

About Jayadvaita Swami:

I got a mantra card from him at Greenwich Village in 1968.

It said chant this mantra, and your life will be sublime. I tried it and could not get it out of my mind.

He is the BBT’s most trusted editor. He has been a director of BBT and a director of the archives.

When he read Ecclesiastes at thirteen he liked it and decided to become a monk.

Jayadvaita Swami:

I was there when Sadaputa Prabhu came to Henry St. temple.

He was talking about Schrödinger’s equation, and that you had to have an observer outside the system, and therefore there would be infinite regress if you did not have a conscious observer outside the system.

He was brilliant. He loved prasadam.

I was keen ask him to write articles.

He had a gift to make complicated ideas understandable to ordinary people.

He had a clear picture that the program of the scientists of reducing life to numbers makes our life meaningless, which he found unacceptable at best and at worst abhorrent. He saw the materialistic reductionist view gives answers, but terrible answers, to life’s ultimate questions.

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