
Realizations After Surgery | Importance of Appreciation

Realizations After Surgery | Importance of Appreciation

( – Realizations After Surgery | Importance of Appreciation

In the video titled “Realizations After Surgery” Mahatma Prabhu reflects on profound realizations he experienced after undergoing surgery. He shares how, prior to the operation, he had prayed to Krishna to help him not just intellectualize Krishna Consciousness but to deeply feel it. After the surgery, he felt a significant change, becoming deeply emotional and appreciative. He found himself moved by the devotion of others, often crying when speaking about Krishna, the devotees, and their service.

One of the key realizations was the importance of appreciating others. He started expressing gratitude to devotees for their service, sending messages of appreciation, which deeply touched them. He emphasizes how crucial it is for everyone to appreciate others’ efforts, even if you don’t know them personally. This practice fosters humility, combats critical tendencies, and enhances one’s ability to feel the beauty of devotion and Krishna’s love. Mahatma Das stresses the importance of truly feeling Krishna’s love and how it inspires a spontaneous desire to surrender to Krishna, reciprocating the love received.

Amazing realizations from HG Mahatma Prabhu after his surgery. Truly inspiring!#mahatmadas #spirituallife #inspiration #appreciation #gratitude

Realizations After Surgery | Importance of Appreciation | Mahatma Das

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