
Sadhu is always present

By HH Gour Govinda Swami

You say, “Oh! We have been cheated so many times. Now we won’t put faith in anyone. No sādhus are there. We don’t see any sādhu.”
Can you see a sādhu? Do you have the vision to see a sādhu? You are a conditioned soul. You have defective vision. How can you see a sādhu? You have developed this motto, “Seeing is believing.” You say, “If I see then I will believe. Can you show me? Can you show me the Lord? Then I will believe.”
But you are not prepared to admit that you are blind. You have no vision to see the Lord. Even if I show you the Lord, how can you see without vision? You are not prepared to admit your shortcoming. You are such a crooked, pretentious, duplicitous person. You are always trying to hide your defects. You are not prepared to admit them. This is proof that you are not at all simple. You are a crooked person. Be simple! If you just once say with an open heart, “Krishna, I am yours!” then immediately Krishna will accept you. He is there in your heart, but you can’t cry out to him. Your heart is filled with such filth, such duplicity and crookedness. You are never simple. And Krishna knows it.
This is the reason why you cannot develop strong faith. Now you want to see sādhu. You say, “We don’t see any sādhus. There are no sādhus.”
If there is no sādhu then how are things going on? This is Kali-yuga, the most sinful and degraded age. Still there is ekapād-dharma, one-legged religion, therefore things are continuing. Otherwise everything would have been finished, destroyed. In Satya-yuga, dharma had four legs. In Treta-yuga three legs were there. In Dvāpara-yuga two legs were there, and in Kali-yuga there is one leg. Because this one leg of dharma is present, things are going on and we are all here.

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