
Statement by the NA RGB Re: Additional Shocking Testimony Filed Against Anirdesya Vapu (former Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami)


Statement by the North American Regional Governing Body

Additional Shocking Testimony Filed Against Anirdesya Vapu (former Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami)

The North American Regional Governing Body (NA RGB) of ISKCON acknowledges the recent shocking and horrifying testimony of child abuse shared by Vedasara dasa—including testimony against Anirdesya Vapu, the former Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami (legal name Alan Ross Wexler).

Vedasara dasa currently serves as the Temple President of ISKCON Atlanta. As his colleagues, we accept his statements as factual and are greatly pained to learn of the suffering he underwent—and the burdens he carries today. We pray that Lord Krishna will ease his pain. We are grateful to Vedasara for his courage in bringing forward his testimony.

Vedasara dasa has given a vivid report of the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse he suffered, caused by Anirdesya Vapu, when Veda was a child in the ISKCON Gurukula (boarding school) in Mayapur, India, from 1983-1990. According to this new testimony, Anirdesya Vapu’s responsibility included directly abusing children and, through his failure to supervise others, fomenting widespread abuse and neglect. As the head of school, Anirdesya also created an environment of fear that prevented children from speaking out about their abuse.

From this testimony, it is clear that the Bhaktivedanta Gurukula Village, which was later renamed the Sri Rupanuga Paramartik Vidhyapith school, was managed by Anirdesya Vapu in a way that allowed vulnerable children to be preyed upon.

We understand that the international GBC and International Child Protection Office (ICPO) are reviewing this new testimony in the case against Anirdesya Vapu. Shockingly, this would be the third CPO decision involving Anirdesya Vapu. The first CPO case was in 2000, when Anirdesya Vapu was found responsible for children’s physical and emotional abuse and was removed from teaching, managerial, or administrative roles in ISKCON.

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