Prabhupada Memories DVD 81 The French Connection. …devotees from Europe in his room and he was going to to start a talk and started to say thank you very much for distributing my books so profusely, are you reading them? So the devotees were, some leaders said, well Prabhupad you know, not so much because we don’t have time, and Srila Prabhupada looked so sad, so sad, that was an answer, you know, he didn’t say what is a good or something like that but we could see you know he was disappointed, but that was the real truth of the matter you know everybody was very very much engaged now this philosophy was not not so easy to you know one of the books I got in the beginning somebody gave me this teaching of Lord Chaitanya, you know I couldn’t understand the first line you know you’re looking for one person for one god until you have all these names you know I read it years after but the Krishna book and the Bhagavad gita was clear enough you know clear enough that God is a person.
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