
Understanding Prabhupada’s Vision (in his own words)


Herein is a compilation of Srila Prabhupada quotes according to various topics of how Srila Prabhupada envisioned ISKCON to move forward.  I am sure there are many other relevant quotes. The reader will see patterns emerge throughout these topics which unequivocally establish Prabhupada’s multifaceted vision for his Movement.  The idea that his Movement must be either conservative or progressive is counterproductive. There is no need for devotees to argue that one position is right and another is wrong.  To do so will only deflate Prabhupada’s vision.

Definition of a Guru

Here Srila Prabhupada offers a clear and simple understanding. All quotes are from an interview with Prabhupada in London, May 1, 1973. The interview appeared in BTG Vol 55, 1973 as “Test of a Genuine Guru.”

– “A guru’s business is to canvass everyone to become devotees of God. That is the sum and substance of a real guru’s business. Indeed, he has no other business.”

– “Anyone, it doesn’t matter who he be Hindu, Muslim or Christian, is a guru if he convinces people to become lovers of God. That is the test.”

– “It doesn’t matter how one is dressed.”

– “As Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, ‘Whoever can impart knowledge about Krsna is a spiritual master.’”

– “In the Mundakopanisad it is stated, srotriyam brahma-nistham. ‘The genuine guru is well versed in the scriptures and Vedic knowledge, and he is completely dependent on Brahman.’”

– “The genuine guru is not interested in collecting money but in getting people to become devotees of Krsna, or God. He has no other business.”

– “All we have to know is that the genuine guru is simply talking about God and trying to get people to become God’s devotees.” 

What Prabhupada Wanted of His Disciples

-“Anyone following the order of Lord Caitanya under the guidance of His bonafide representative, can become a spiritual master and I wish that in my absence all my disciples become the bonafide spiritual master to spread Krishna Consciousness throughout the whole world.  I want it . . .”  Letter to Madhusudana, Nov. 2, 1967

-“Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that anyone who knows the science of Krishna, that person should be accepted as Spiritual Master, regardless of any material so-called qualifications; such as rich or poor, man or woman, or brahmana or sudra.”

-Letter, New Vrindavan, 14 June 14, 1969

Mohsin Hassan: “After you, is it any decision has been made who will take over?”
Prabhupada: “Yes. All of them will take over. These students, who are initiated from me, all of them will act as I am doing. Just like I have got many Godbrothers, they are all acting. Similarly, all these disciples which I am making, initiating, they are being trained to become future spiritual masters.”  Conversation in Detroit, July 18, 1971 

-“But these women are not ordinary women. They are preachers. They are preachers. They are Vaisnava. By their association, one becomes a Vaisnava.” Morning Walk, March 27, 1974, Bombay

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