
Vaisnava Family Resources

Healthy Marriages. Happy Families. Strong ISKCON.

The mission of The Grihastha Vision Team is to support, strengthen, educate and enliven the individuals, couples and families who are or will be involved with the grihastha ashram.

Our Goals

We want to help you spiritualize your marriage and make it an act of seva. Remember, Vaisnava etiquette begins at home.

An important goal for us, is to help each person about to marry, to receive premarital education. The best way to do that would be through one of our team members or trained mentor couples. Marriage mentoring has been proven to raise the success rate in marriage and result in more connected and happy couples. We use our program, From Couple to Couple. It only takes 5 evenings! Couples find the support, skills and shared experiences they get from their mentors invaluable. Mentoring is also useful for couples already married.

What We Do

Couple education and counselling.

We offer a 3 day interactive marriage and family course, Strengthening the Bonds that Free Us, to individuals and couples wherever we are invited. It will also be available as an online course, for those unable to take it in person.

We offer many other seminars, retreats and courses. Contact us and we can customize our presentation for your needs and community.

We train committed happy long term couples to mentor others.

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