
August 1st Health Update on Jayapataka Swami, Prayers Requested



( – August 1st Health Update on Jayapataka Swami, Prayers Requested

By ISKCON News Staff   |  Aug 01, 2023

According to the latest report on HH Jayapataka Swami from Mahavaraha Das, he is still under medical care at the Rela Institute in Chennai. “Since last night, he has been a little less responsive to commands and feeling extremely weak. Doctors think this may be due to kidney dysfunction, which is accumulating a substance in the blood, which is leading to less responsiveness,” said Mahavaraha Das.

His report goes on to say that the doctors have decided to keep Jayapataka Swami in the ICU for at least another day for close monitoring. Their plan is to do a blood transfusion, followed by dialysis. At this point, a biopsy has been ruled out as doctors feel it may not be safe or worthwhile considering the current status of Jayapataka Swami’s health. In spite of being tired and weak, he has been continuing his services as usual.

The JPS Health Team and the JPS Seva Committee express their gratitude to the devotees and humbly request they continue to pray for Jayapataka Swami’s health and continue to follow their vows strictly.


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