
Amazing Growth of Vaishnavi Ministry in NA Prompts Call for Volunteers


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The Vaishnavi Ministry of North America aims to promote a culture of open-hearted empowerment for Vaishnavis through association, education, representation, support, and serviced empowerment. Our purpose is to uphold Srila Prahbupada’s legacy concerning Vaishnavis, encourage full facility for Vaishnavis to become strengthened by association through various sanga networks, promote devotional training for Vaishnavis, facilitate the Vaishnavi voice in diverse aspects of devotional life, increase opportunities for Vaishnavis to be fully engaged in devotional service according to their God-given talents and inclinations, develop an enduring network of personal support for Vaishnavis through guidelines, referrals, counseling, and friendship, and inspire women interested in bhakti.

Vaishnavi Ministry NA holds various online events and sangas to bring Vaishnavis together for devotional education and association. For example, the Vaishnavi Ministry hosted live interviews of many of Srila Prabhupada’s Vaishnavi disciples about their contribution to the new book, A Bond of Love: Srila Prabhupada and His Daughters. Vaishnavis, who listened, were touched by their heartfelt and inspiring recollections of their pastimes with Srila Prabhupada. Over the past year, the Vaishnavi Ministry has focused on providing ground-level support by establishing Vaishnavi Ministry Area Representatives for each temple community across North America. The ministry is also making strides in Intimate Partner Abuse prevention education. It aims to provide training and resources to temple leaders.

Vaishnavi outing.

Over the next year, the Vaishnavi Ministry would like to expand these initiatives, grow our sanga programs, and reintroduce an in-person retreat for Vaishnavis across North America. To accomplish our goals, the ministry needs volunteers! “Vaishnavis all over North America need support and attention, and we’re so excited to grow our team so we can multiply our impact,” said Govindapriya Devi Dasi, Vaishnavi Minister of North America.

If your skills match any of the volunteer descriptions below, please consider joining the team by emailing them a short paragraph about why you’d be a great fit.
Secretary – Manages the VMNA email inbox, helps lead the organization of key VMNA events and initiatives, and remains in contact with the Vaishnavi Ministry Area Representatives. Up to 4 hours/week.
Content Creator – Produce engaging visuals and event promotion content for the VMNA website, email, and social media channels. Up to 2 hours/week.
A Bond of Love Interview Series Manager – Hosts virtual events and live interviews with Vaishnavis; comfortable using online streaming platforms, assists with scheduling. Up to 1 hour/week

For more information about the Vaishnavi Ministry of North America, visit their website,  Facebook page, or Instagram.

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