
Glastonbury Rathayatra 28th May 2023

Glastonbury Rathayatra 28th May 2023

( – Glastonbury Rathayatra 28th May 2023

Parasuram das

The historic city of Glastonbury is famous for King Arthur and the knights
of the round table. It was the centre for Christianity in Europe , folklore
has it that Joseph of Arimathea — the man who took Christ’s body and placed
it into the tomb following the Crucifixion — came to Britain, and
specifically Glastonbury. He brought two cups that contained drops of
Christ’s blood and the chalice used by Him at the Last Supper, the Holy

This year’s Rathayatra festival was a blissful event, 250 devotees took
part, including 14 Prabhupada disciples. Kirtan led by Sakshi Gopal Prabhu.
Procession was followed by a big feast in a field on foot of the sacred
Tor, an ancient spiritual hill/site predating Christianity.
Jai Srila Prabhupada, enjoy the video:

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