
Guru Disciple – Bhaktivedanta Manor

The ISKCON disciple course is intended for those wanting to understand the intricacies of the Guru-Disciple relationship. It covers theological principles and practical aspects such as the importance of a guru for spiritual progress, selecting a guru, forming a strong relationship with the guru, testing and serving the guru plus qualities of a bonafide guru and disciple.

The course is based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, educates one on the history of gurus in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition and explains setbacks experienced by some gurus within ISKCON. This course helps one develop the values and attitude required of a disciple and is a prerequisite for candidates aspiring for initiation. The course includes PowerPoint presentations, interactive discussions, assessment exercises and provides an opportunity for you to ask questions and clear any doubts.

There are specific requirements for students to be eligible for the official certificate:

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