
ISKCON News | New Krishna House Ashram Opens at ISKCON Dallas

( – Following the successful formula developed at Krishna House in Gainesville, devotees recently opened the Krishna House Dallas Ashram in collaboration with the long-established Dallas community. ISKCON Dallas has been hoping to open an ashram for several years. An amazing facility opened across the street from Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji temple to facilitate this new initiative. “This Krishna House project provides a safe environment for students to develop genuine friendships among themselves. It is very inspiring – fun yet loving and Krishna Consciousness,” said Padma Devi Dasi, temple commander.

The new initiative has already had an enlivening effect upon the primarily grihastha community. “This creates an amazing atmosphere for enthusiastic students thriving in their Krishna Consciousness,” noted Nanda Braja Das, Krishna House Dallas Director. “The excitement that the Krishna House students bring is a breath of fresh air. You can really feel the increased enthusiasm throughout the community.”

Bhakta Leader Dhrstadyumna Das

The Texas ashram is co-ed like Krishna House Gainesville, renowned for bringing hundreds of people to Krishna Consciousness through its warm and accommodating mood. It provides a live-in experience for those who want to practice Bhakti. For Bhakta Leader Dhrstadyumna Das, it is a kind of homecoming, “My parents are initiated in ISKCON, and I had gone to the Dallas Gurukula for 12 years before two years of college,” prabhu said. “In 2021, I joined Krishna House Houston and have been preaching since then. I am so happy to be serving back in my hometown.” Dhrstadyumna was also part of a 3-month training course at Krishna House Gainesville called Nitai Corps, which helped him understand the mood of the Krishna House mission providing him with a strong foundation for his new role in Dallas.

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