
Srila Prabhupada’s 1969 Sri Isopanisad Back in Print

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When the BBT editors made extensive unauthorized changes to Srila Prabhupada’s Sri Isopanisad in 1977 Prabhupada, when he learnt of the changes, was very upset and directly ordered the BBT to return the next printing of Sri Isopanisad to the original way it was published without any unauthorized changes. Now, twenty-six years later, the BBT have reprinted Prabhupada’s original Sri Isopanisad. It is very good news.

You can order Srila Prabhupada’s original Sri Isopanisad at

Yasoda-nandana: In the Gurukula we were teaching Isopanisad class to the children. So we took… (break) …Prabhupada and the words which the recent edition of the press is wrong. Many changes were brought. They were trying to make better English, but sometimes, to make better English, I think they were making philosophical mistakes also. There is no so much need of making so much better English. Your English is sufficient. It is very clear, very simple. We have caught over 125 changes. They’re changing so many things. We are wondering if this is necessary. I will show you today. I have kept the book.
Prabhupada: I know that these rascals are doing. What can be done? How they can be relied on? It is starting. What can I do? These cannot… These rascals cannot be educated. Dangerous. Little learning, dangerous. So how to correct? The leader of these dangerous–Radha-vallabha… He’s a dangerous, who maintains these rascal with this work. He’ll always have questions and alteration. That is his business. That is American business. They take that always. What can I do? Ultimate, it goes for editorial. They make changes, such changes… But they are doing without any authority… It is very serious situation. Ramesvara is in direct…
Yasoda-nandana: What is it going to be in five years? It’s going to be a different book.
Prabhupada: So you… What you are going… It is very serious situation. You write one letter that “Why you have made so many changes?” And whom to write? Who will care? All rascals are there. Write to Satsvarupa that “This is the position. They are doing anything and everything at their whim.” The next printing should be again to the original way… So write them immediately that “The rascal editors, they are doing havoc, and they are being maintained by Ramesvara and party…” So they are doing very freely and dangerously. And this rascal is always after change, Radha-vallabha. He’s a great rascal.

Just a few months after this conversation Srila Prabhupada left his body in Vrndavana. Instead of following Srila Prabhupada’s clear order to return his books to the original way, the BBT immediately took advantage of Prabhupada’s departure and began “revising and enlarging” his Bhagavad-gita As It Is. They made more than 5,000 mostly completely needless changes and in many cases completely changed the meaning of the text in the book Srila Prabhupada himself read and gave class from almost daily for more than six years. During all these years, even though the book was reprinted many times, Srila Prabhupada never requested anyone to “revise and enlarge” it.

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