
The Journey Of An Ardent Book Distributor in Malaysia – Malini Priti Devi Dasi


( – Noted for her welcoming smile and joyful service as a book distributor, Malini Priti Devi Dasi (Meera Thuraisingam) is an exemplary disciple of HH Jayapataka Swami, serving locally in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but inspiring devotees worldwide.

Raised in Krishna Consciousness, her first book distribution service started at fourteen during a Hindu festival called Thaipusam, celebrated for Lord Kartikeya. In addition to this, she served at BBT Malaysia for a few months after her college studies. Later, she was also the youth secretary and part of the organizing team participating in many Harinam/book distribution programs in different states all over Malaysia.

Though Malini Priti works full-time as a legal counsel, she’s created a successful weekend strategy distributing books with her equally inspiring mother. In addition, she is sharing on public holidays, Hindu festivals, canvassing Indian neighborhoods, and even going door-to-door. 

She is inspired by Srila Prabhupada’s words that book distribution is our best preaching work.”We are not the doers, but only instruments to Sri Guru and Gauranga, and it is our duty to get Krishna’s message across to everyone,” she said enthusiastically, “Lord Caitanya wanted us to become gardeners and give this sweet and nectarine fruit to everyone, so we need to go out there and give it.” Malini Priti explains how not only the distributors but also the receivers of these books are fortunate since they are directly associating with Srila Prabhupada when they read his purports.

She glorifies her spiritual master HH Jayapataka Swami to whom she presents her book distribution reports. She noted, “My Guru Maharaj himself has set up a virtual book table as a method of book distribution since he cannot distribute books physically. He sends messages and encourages all temples in his zones and other temples to support the global book campaigns organized by Vaisesika Prabhu.”

Malini Priti was very motivated when she heard Jayapataka Swami say that sets of Srimad Bhagavatam going out from all centers will bring him great joy because he knows it pleases Srila Prabhupada very much. This motivated her and others to participate more and more in book distribution. For example, in 2018, 112 sets of Srimad Bhagavatam were shared in Kuala Lumpur and by a few other temples in just three weeks.

In 2020, the worldwide pandemic meant devotees had to be more creative in their distribution. Vaisesika Das’s secretary, Shyama Mohini Devi Dasi, contacted Malini Priti to help organize the Bhadra program during this challenging time. “Through this initiative, I had the association of our revered Vaisesika Das; he is very merciful and taught many methods to improve our book distribution strategies. He is one of the greatest inspirations in my life.”

Recently Malini Priti shared a Srimad Bhagavatam set with a Christian family she initially shared prasadam with. Later, she went to their house and showed them a video of HH Jayapataka Swami, where he said that the house becomes a place of pilgrimage by placing a Bhagavatam set. The family was very inspired to hear this and finally purchased a copy. 

Following the advice Srila Prabhupada gave Vaisesika Das, she wants to read and study transcendental literature as much as she shares it. “As grand disciples of Srila Prabhupada, we need to learn and spend time reading the philosophy taught by Lord Chaitanya in Srila Prabhupada’s books and present it expertly to everyone, which will help in more and more book distribution.” 

In addition to book distribution, she also leverages social media and online platforms and is an active supporter of cow protection. There are many videos on book distribution and cow protection on her YouTube Channel, and you can follow Malini Priti’s inspiring service through her Facebook profile.

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