(purebhakti.com) – The Pond Of The Anger Of Love
Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Maan Sarovara, Vrndavana
October 14, 2003
You should take acamana * [See endnote 1] from this pond, thinking it to be the very svarupa (form) of Srimati Radhika – and pray for Her mercy.* [See endnote 2] During rasa-lila, Srimati Radhika saw that, “Krsna is dancing with Me, but at the same time He is dancing with all the other gopis. He tells lies like, ‘I have given You My heart. You are My most beloved.’ But now He is treating Me just like the others.” She entered a sulky mood, a very angry mood, and at once began to weep. She left the rasa-mandala (the circle of the rasa dance) in Seva-kunja, crossed the Yamuna, and finally came to this lonely forest to hide Herself here.
Rasa stopped, because Sri Krsna began searching for Her – searching, searching, searching. When He finally found Her He saw that She was weeping, and that a large pond was created from Her tears. Thus, this place is called Maan Sarovara, the sarovara (pond) made from the maan (transcendental loving jealous anger) of Srimati Radhika.
Sri Krsna pacified Her here, although to pacify Her was very hard for Him. He took Her lotus feet upon His head, tried to appease Her in many ways, and He also took a vow: “From now onwards I will never do anything wrong. I accept that I have committed a mistake. I have offended you, but I promise that I will never do this in the future.”
You can see how beautiful these forest kunjas are. There were millions of groves and kunjas here at that time. When Srimati Radhika or Sri Krsna were hiding themselves in any kunja, it was very difficult for them to discover where the other was hidden. At that time the trees were not like this. Now they are feeling separation for Srimati Radhika and Lord Krsna and are about to die. These trees know all the sweet pastimes of Srimati Radhika’s hiding from Krsna, as well as all other such lilas, and now they cannot see these manifest in this world.
We have brought you all to see how beautiful these kunjas are. At that time these trees were straight and covered with lush creepers, though now they are lying down. No unauthorized person was able see through them, to see who was there or not. At that time the kunjas where so large that rasa-lila and all other related pastimes used to take place in them. Millions of gopis could fit in them. At that time Vrndavana forest was only forest. There were not many houses as there are today. According to the desire of Lord Krsna, the kunjas and land could expand and reduce in size. You are very lucky to come with me to very beautiful places like this one.
Previously we used to perform parikrama by foot. From Balevan we used to cross the Jamuna by boat, and then walk here by the shore of Jamuna in 20 – 30 minutes, and then we would return to Vrndavana. Now I cannot do so, but I want that one day you should also try to do parikrama by foot.
I brought you here to touch this place, and to touch the feet of these trees. These trees are exalted devotees. They previously saw the Lord’s pastimes as trees, and now they are performing austerities in this form. One day they will have gopi forms, and at that time they will be able to enter rasa-lila and other such pastimes.
This scenery is so beautiful. If anyone has a camera he should take a picture of it. Birds are sitting here, and the water is very lovely and tasty. You are lucky to have come to this exalted holy place.
Now I request you all to take prasadam. Brahmacaris and sannyasis will sit here on one side and ladies will be on the other side. At once, without delay, please go and sit – because we do not have much time.
[* Endnote 1 – Acamana – a ritual of purification by which one takes bath by mantra and sips water three times. At the holy places one chants the acamana mantra, om kesavaya namah etc., and then prays to the particular pond or river or lake, “You have personally witnessed the pastimes of Radha and Krsna here, so you are qualified to manifest those pastimes in my heart. Please bestow your mercy upon me so that I may one day be qualified to see those pastimes. Please manifest in my heart what you have seen.”
[*Endnote 2 – (We asked Pujyapad Madhava Maharaja what Srila Gurudeva may have said at any other time as to why, since both Maan Sarovara and Radha-kunda are both the svarupa of Srimati Radhika, Radha-kunda is superior. He replied, “The midday pastimes took place there at Sri Radha-kunda as well as many other pastimes which are not possible at Maan Sarovara or anywhere else. Therefore Radha-kunda is superior to any other kunda. Still, this place is so sacred and exalted, and is also the very form and identity of Srimati Radhika.
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