
Vintage Mayapur Photos

Mayapur News Clip

Vintage Mayapur Photos

by Sriman Harisauri Prabhu

Here’s a few photos from the Bhaktivedanta Archives of Mayapur circa 1972-1980. It serves to remind us that Mayapur has been a continuous development and will continue to be so. Just as rice paddies were turned in to parks and fountains, now the parks and fountains are making way for something new–the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.

Here’s how it all began:

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International Headquarters 1971
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During a flood 1979

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Circa 1980

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Eternal Residents of Mayapur, Sri Sri Radha Madhava and Sri Caitanya — 1971

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and Their eternal servants

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the transcendental twins about whom Srila Prabhupada said “These twins,
everyone should know it, there is no comparison.”

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Their Lordships and Their intimate servants — 1979

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Sri Sri Radha Madhava 1979

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From the Lotus building to the main gate 1976

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1980 – Lotus building

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Gurukula boys 1980

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So what are you waiting for? Come and visit Mayapur…


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