
“We left our hearts in a destitute South African township”

“We left our hearts in a destitute South African township”

( – “We left our hearts in a destitute South African township”

Indradyumna Swami: There is a common saying amongst devotees these days: “I left my heart in Vrindavan.” Well, in all honesty we recently “left our hearts in a destitute South African township” because there we saw and experienced the presence of Lord Caitanya’s causeless mercy upon one and all. Without a doubt, such service is the ticket home to the spiritual world. Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati writes in his epic, Sri Caitanya Candramrita, Chapter 8, text 88: “To the degree that we surrender to Lord Caitanya’s service, to that degree we acquire qualification for service to Srimati Radharani’s lotus feet in Vraja.”

Our Heart’s Desire


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