(iskconnews.org) – This weekend (June 15-18th), the ISKCON Chicago community and devotees from across the country are in the Windy City to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Installation of the Deities Sri Sri Kisora-Kisori.
Srila Prabhupada said, “I have named your deities Kisora Kisori. So go on with your worship and increase it more and more till all Chicago has become aware of Kisora Kisori in your temple” (Letter to Sri Govinda, July 28, 1973).
Tonight hundreds of devotees are gathering to offer Harinam Sankirtan down the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago. Anuttama Das, ISKCON’s Global Minister of Communications, is at the downtown festivities. See the video below for his report. For all the details of this weekend’s celebrations, visit their website.
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