
Advertiser Distributor Becomes Book Distributor, or tried…

( – Auckland, New Zealand

I met 44 year old Hemi, a warm and friendly maori (native) gentleman who is working distributing advertising leaflets to the public. He immediately recognised Srila Prabhupada’s books. He already has the Gita and others but has not yet read them. He gave a donation and took 2 small books. He is working the same side of the street as me; he’s been doing so from 9 until 4:30 every day for over two weeks to promote the School Uniform Shop he is working for.

A while later I meet him again. “What is a monk?” he inquires. I said, “We discuss scripture, do service, study and celibacy.” Hemi used to attend the Mormon Church and told me of his being put on probation for not sticking to the “rules” eventually leading to him being asked not to come back. We talked about dealing with sin. I referenced some verses on lust from Bhagavad-Gita focusing on 2.59, and explain the practicality of Bhakti yoga.

Later he beckons me over; he’s been meditating on what we discussed earlier. He had attended many churches throughout the years and was unimpressed by the knowledge they had to offer. He was spiritually tired but is now eager to read his copy of the Gita.

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