
Art of forgiveness – Bhaktivedanta Manor

( – What’s the course about?

It’s time to open your heart and forgive, so that you can start waking up to a life you love.

The Art of Forgiveness is about developing compassion and accepting others for being imperfect, while at the same time honouring our boundaries and protecting ourselves. It’s about knowing that blaming others will never solve the problem or lead to inner peace.

This inspiring and insightful workshop brings the practical application of forgiveness into everyday life. In this course, we will explore practical methods for learning to let go of anger and resentment towards others, as well as the art of forgiving ourselves.

Nandarane, a lifetime spiritual seeker, hypnotherapist and NLP coach will help us overcome feeling victimised, to find inner peace

Kishori, a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist will guide us to master and harness our life force (prana) to transform our life

About the teachers

Nandarane is no stranger to the realities of living, working and succeeding in the modern world.  As a lifetime spiritual seeker and professional coach, Nandarane empowers leaders to transform themselves and their organisations.

She has a background in educational leadership, judicial law and incorporates advanced counselling, NLP and metaphysical techniques in her professional and spiritual work. She was awarded the prestigious title of Farmington Scholar at the University of Oxford in 1999. Her research work highlighted the positive psychological and spiritual impact of the Bhagavad-Gita’s universal teachings – relevant to everyone in searching for the truth of our identity beyond religion and the identities we or others have constructed for ourselves.

Nandarane takes periodic breaks from her career to dive deeper into the secrets of the ancient Vedic scriptures, staying in ashrams and spiritual communities across India. She is an avid writer whose poetry supplies food for thought and nourishment to the soul! Nandarane’s discursive and interactive style of teaching is aimed at equipping every individual to live a more purposeful, fulfilling and happier life.

Kishori Yogini is a qualified psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, having studied the mind and worked with many different people, Kishori is passionate about using yoga as a tool to not only bring balance and strength to the body but also to nourish and calm the mind.

Kishori completed 500hr RYT teacher training and teaches Hatha yoga with a “Vinyasa flow” and you can be sure she will also weave some Bhakti yoga in there also!

“I’m committed to share with you authentic rich yoga and mindfulness practises. My classes will provide you with an opportunity to develop improved strength and flexibility, to feel calm, have clarity of mind and come away with a greater sense of harmony and balance. Join me in a space where you can breathe at ease, discover peace, and be in a community where you will find genuine support, connection and friendship.”

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