(iskconnews.org) – Bomb Strikes Kherson Temple in Ukraine, Devotees Vow to Remain and Serve
By Thomas Haribol, ISKCON News Managing Editor | Jul 11, 2023
Nama Kripa Das preparing prasada in an abandoned swimming pool.
In June, ISKCON News reported on devotees returning to survey the ISKCON Kherson Temple in Ukraine, which was severely damaged during the ongoing conflict there. Bhakta Max, a native of Kherson, had moved back into the building to remove debris and begin the restoration process. Sadly, within weeks, on July 4th, a rocket struck the Temple, smashing all the windows and putting a massive hole in the roof of the building. Thankfully, no one was harmed in this latest strike.
Nama Kripa Das facing dangerous rocket strikes as he serves devotees and locals.
Other committed devotees, Bhakta Vasily, Nama Kripa Das, and his team have continued distributing prasada in the Kherson area, taking shelter in an unfurnished house. A dry swimming pool is now their kitchen and office (providing some protection). According to Nama Kripa, they distribute 1,000 portions of food daily from this makeshift location. Rockets regularly fly directly overhead and most recently struck an apartment building across the street, where a local fireman narrowly escaped death. Despite the dangers, they are committed to serving in the area.
To help these courageous devotees spread Krishna’s mercy in such dire circumstances, visit their website and also follow their Instagram.
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