
Ceremony to put Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Nara Narayana prabhu’s ashes into Yamuna

Ceremony to put Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Nara Narayana prabhu’s ashes into Yamuna

( – Ceremony to put Srila Prabhupada’s disciple Nara Narayana prabhu’s ashes into Yamuna

Mahadevi Dasi Riggan: Today a group of us had a beautiful ceremony on Yamuna to put Srila Prabhupada’s devoted disciple Nara Narayana prabhu’s ashes into Yamuna. We all got to participate in so many ways… offering garlands, flowers, Vyasaki’s Kirtan, singing Yamunastikam n offering prayers all around.🙏🌿🌺
Nara Narayana prabhu’s dear eldest beautiful daughter Shakuntala n her daughter Lalley, his wonderful n famous son Kuvalesvara or Kuvi, n other family members …and all of us… were immersed in the Mercy of Yamuna🙏🦚
Deena Bandhu Das baba pr was the officiating pujari n when he sang the Yamunastikam n we all followed in response, the grazing cows, long legged cranes n Yamuna Herself were all swaying praying n playing. Then baba inundated us with the sublime descriptions of each of the 8verses of Srila Rupa Goswami’s Yamunastikam.
We helped with making sure the heavy bag of ashes went waaaay below surface of Yamuna to make sure no particles flying around. Then we offered garlands, flowers n lots of HHHAARRII BBOOLLLs as Prabhupada’s dear Nara Narayana’s ashes went in the traditional S formation down Yamuna towards Keshi ghat. How many times have we marvelled in seeing such a transcendental sight🙏🪷🦜
We are all cued up.❤️😊
Nara Narayan pr invented the retractable canopy concept for Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra n Lady Subhadra’s Chariots, so when a low hanging wire in the st came along, the canopy cd come down a little to accomodate.
Ramesvara pr remembers “when the first printing press was purchased and installed in the newly acquired Boston temple in 1969, the weight of the printer was weakening the joists and floor boards of the ground floor, and before it crashed through into the basement, Nara Narayan Prabhu saved the press by designing steel (or iron) lolly columns in the basement to brace and hold up the floor above.”
In 1975 in New Dwaraka, Nara Narayan pr helped Ramesvara pr to organize and manage the entire BBT art department.
Together these brothers had to keep up the production of artwork needed for the 15 volumes of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita and the two Fifth Canto volumes (the 17-book 2-month BBT marathon)
Ramesvara pr further remembers that “he stayed on with the BBT to help make sure that the BBT Art never again fell behind Srila Prabhupada’s translating pace for the Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, Ninth and beginning of the Tenth Cantos.”
Ramesvara pr also was excited to tell us. “Nara Narayana pr helped conceive of a new revolutionary festival format for all Rathayatra Festivals. He designed an enclosed huge park area with pandal walls on all side, with stages at each end for performing arts, and many booths displaying the art, culture and philosophy of Gaudiya Bhakti.
He also included the life-size Changing Bodies exhibit which was a mind blower for anyone to see. Nara Narayan created an enclosed Hare Krsna world with numerous booths selling delicious varieties of Prasadam- all in addition to the amazing Free Feast. Once a person was inside this enclosed area they couldn’t see out n became KRSNIZED😀🙏📚 Out of this Rathyatra setup used for all global Rathyatras, came the traveling Festival of India for all future North American Rathayatra Festival exhibits.
He truly was a completely sold out “Prabhupada Man,” and Prabhupada nicknamed him Visvakarma because of his building skills. Altho Nara Narayana pr was quite a theatrical personality (fantastic in dramas also) Prabhupada showed his love many times to Nara Narayan pr for his devotion n dedication

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