
Congregational Development Ministry – Bhakti Kids Releases New Book For Children


( – Bhakti Kids Releases New Book For Children

“Krishna – My Best Friend” is a new book written by Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi and Acintyapriya Davi Dasi and published by the Congregational Development Ministry – Bhakti Kids. Their intention behind writing this book is to help children develop a personal connection with Krishna, viewing Him as their best friend rather than approaching Him only with awe and reverence.

At the heart of the Bhakti Kids project lies a grand vision—to create a comprehensive Krishna Consciousness curriculum that engages children between the ages of five and twelve. “Krishna- My Best Friend” is one of their endeavors that delves into fascinating details about Krishna, such as His pets, a glimpse into His daily life in Vrindavana, His friends, why He wears a peacock feather, and so much more to get to know Him. The captivating illustrations in the book appeal to children of all ages, and it includes a wide range of fun activities that cater to different interests, ensuring there’s something for every child. 

We interviewed the co-author Gourangi who was happy to share some background to the book. During her own upbringing in Krishna consciousness, Gourangi was blessed with a beautiful childhood guided by her spiritual master, parents, and other devotees in her life. She said, “Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a teacher, which led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in primary education. Now, equipped with these teachings and fueled by the inspiration derived from Krishna consciousness and the support and blessings of my spiritual master, teachers, parents, and Vaikuntha kids, my purpose in this life is to help children make a choice to be Krishna’s devotee and join the movement.”

Devotee child enjoying the books.

She firmly believes that Krishna Consciousness can be fun, and kids love to have fun! By engaging them in stories and activities all about Krishna and making Him a part of their daily lives, they can experience the happiness and fun of bhakti. She states that another inspiration for writing children’s books on Krishna Consciousness is to give children positive experiences and memories of Krishna Consciousness.

Acintyapriya and Gourangi chose the title “Krishna – My Best Friend” for their book because it beautifully captures the core message they aim to convey. Throughout the book, the emphasis is that Krishna is not only the Supreme Personality of Godhead but also our eternal best friend, filled with immeasurable love for us. 

Gourangi shared, “One aspect I absolutely love is the in-depth exploration of Krishna, which draws from HH Indradyumna Swami’s lecture series on Sri Vrindavana Dham and the teachings of our Acharyas. Personally, one of my absolute favorite activities is ‘Krishna’s Nature Scavenger Hunt.’ It encourages kids to embark on a nature walk, opening their eyes to see Krishna everywhere. They get to observe the natural world to find different things like leaves to decorate Krishna’s hair or sticks for Krishna to play with.” 

The response to the book has been overwhelmingly positive. Gourangi has been approached by numerous devotees who express their enthusiasm for the book or share how their children have fallen in love with it. She noted, “As this is our second book published by the Congregational Development Ministry – Bhakti Kids, parents and children have eagerly awaited its arrival. We have already distributed over 1,200 copies in just two months, and the demand continues to grow.”

Gourangi Gandharvika Devi Dasi presenting the new book to HH Jayapataka Swami.

The Bhakti Kids recognize children’s deep love for festivals, as these special occasions provide a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Krishna consciousness. For this purpose, they are developing a series of 12 books focusing on key festivals such as Radhastami, Gaura Purnima, and Narasimha Chaturdasi. “Krishna – My Best Friend” is the first one of the 12-book series. 

Regarding the plans of the Bhakti Kids, Gourangi mentioned, “The Bhakti Kids facilitates children’s programs during Kartik, Purusottama Month, and other themes. We aim to facilitate programs more regularly. Looking ahead, our plans include offering online courses for children based on the content of our books.”

The first book of Bhakti Kids, written by Gourangi, “Becoming Your Devotee,” is already being used as a curriculum in various children’s programs and schools worldwide. It is an interactive workbook and activity book designed to teach the practice of Krishna Consciousness. 

The mission of Bhakti Kids is to nurture children’s bhakti seed by engaging them in fun Krishna-conscious experiences and to provide a one-stop source of resources, programs, and training to support devotees worldwide serving children.

Bhakti Kids requests your blessings so that they can inspire many children around the world in their Krishna Consciousness. They invite you to get your hands on these books designed to water the bhakti seed within your children. Further, they would also like to encourage you to use these resources in your community by starting children’s programs or as an addition to existing programs happening in your community. 

If you feel inspired to join the Bhakti Kids team, please feel free to reach out to them via email

You can order your copies of Krishna, My Best Friend at the Congregation’s website, visit the Bhakti Kids website to learn more about their initiatives, or follow them on Facebook

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