
Mayapur is being overflooded with… Mangoes!

Mayapur is being overflooded with… Mangoes!

( – Mayapur is being overflooded with… Mangoes!

Attention! Urgent help is needed in Mayapur (be sure to read the post until the end!)
Due to the warm weather and regular rains, Mayapur is being overflooded with…
Mangoes! 🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭😃😄😁🤣
There is a record crop this year. These are not regular mangoes like you can buy in other countries, they are incredibly sweet and don’t have any fibers. They appear to have come out of some pastime of Mahaprabhu. Celestial mangoes!
There are much more mangoes than we can eat. The poor sellers don’t know what to do with them. It’s already possible to buy mangoes for 20 rupees (EUR 0.22) per kg, and we are not even at the high of the season yet!
Urgent help is needed for eating all these succulent mangoes, otherwise, we may perish due to overeating! 😂🤣😋😜🫠

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